World TB Day: A look back at the event organised by Friends Europe at the European Parliament
World TB Day: A look back at the event organised by Friends Europe at the European Parliament On 24 March 2023, Friends of the Global Fund Europe observed World TB Day by organising two events, [...]
Journée mondiale de lutte contre la tuberculose : Retour sur la rencontre parrainée par le Député Philippe Juvin
Journée mondiale de lutte contre la tuberculose : Retour sur la rencontre organisée par les Amis du Fonds Mondial Europe et parrainée par le Député Philippe Juvin Dans le cadre de la Journée internationale de lutte [...]
Germany: Adoption of a new Policy on Feminist Development
Germany: Adoption of a new Policy on Feminist Development On Wednesday 1 March, the German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Svenja Schulze, announced the adoption of a feminist foreign development policy that [...]
Stefano Vella in occasione della Giornata Mondiale contro l’AIDS, 1° dicembre 2022
Stefano Vella in occasione della Giornata Mondiale contro l'AIDS, 1° dicembre 2022 Intervento di Stefano Vella al convegno "Affrontare le disuguaglianze, favorire i progressi nella prevenzione e nella cura dell’HIV" organizzato dal Ministero della salute, [...]
1 December 2022: World AIDS Day
1 December 2022: World AIDS Day As part of its 7th replenishment, the Global Fund has raised $15.67 billion of the $18 billion needed. Even if this amount is unprecedented, we must continue to mobilise [...]
Ukraine: HIV-Prävention für Menschen auf der Flucht
Ukraine: HIV-Prävention für Menschen auf der Flucht Auf seinem Weg zur Arbeit kommt Vadym in Lwiw an vielen Gebäuden vorbei, dessen Fenster mit Sandsäcken verbarrikadiert sind. © The Global Fund/Vladyslav Musiienko Zu all den Nöten [...]