New malaria vaccines: what they can and what they cannot change for the global malaria pandemic
25 April 2024: World Malaria Day New malaria vaccines: what they can and what they cannot change for the global malaria pandemic After years of stagnation, and more recently, regression due to the effects of [...]
24 March: World Tuberculosis Day – A TB-free world needs more investments and stronger political commitment
24 March: World Tuberculosis Day A TB-free world needs more investments and stronger political commitment Michel Kazatchkine, Special Advisor to the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe), former Executive Director of the [...]
OUR 2022 ANNUAL REPORT IS ON LINE DOWNLOAD OUR 2022 ANNUAL REPORT Message from Laurent Vigier, President of Friends of the Global Fund Europe 2022: a year of upheaval Alongside the Seventh Global Fund [...]
The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria: A model of financial partnership for global public goods
The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria: A model of financial partnership for global public goods Friends of the Global Fund Europe calls on the organisers and participants to the Paris summit [...]
Statement – The Global Fund: a financial partnership model for global public goods
The Global Fund: a financial partnership model for global public goods By Friends of the Global Fund Europe's Executive Committee: Charles Goerens, former Minister of Cooperation in Luxembourg, Member of the European Parliament; Stefano Vella, Adjunct [...]
24 de marzo del 2023: Día mundial de la tuberculosis – Entrevista con Timo Ulrichs
Entrevista con Timo Ulrichs, microbiólogo e inmunólogo, especialista en tuberculosis, fundador del Foro Koch-Metschnikow en Alemania y miembro de la Junta Consultiva de Friends of the Global Fund Europe ¿Cuáles son los principales retos en [...]