FGFE activities in Europe

13 Billion for the Global Fund are a success in the fight against infectious diseases Almost all donors increase their commitments. Germany is deferring financing to the future

Berlin, 20. September. With contributions adding up to almost 13 [...]

Par |2016-09-20T10:51:51+02:0020 septembre 2016|FGFE activities in Europe, Germany|Commentaires fermés sur 13 Billion for the Global Fund are a success in the fight against infectious diseases Almost all donors increase their commitments. Germany is deferring financing to the future

Friends Europe’s evening event at the European Parliament focuses on the Global Fund-EU partnership with spotlight on Ethiopia

Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development Neven Mimica gives closing [...]

Par |2014-12-08T11:53:22+01:008 décembre 2014|European Union, FGFE activities in Europe|Commentaires fermés sur Friends Europe’s evening event at the European Parliament focuses on the Global Fund-EU partnership with spotlight on Ethiopia
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