1 December 2022: World AIDS Day

1 décembre 2022|

1 December 2022: World AIDS Day As part of its 7th replenishment, the Global Fund has raised $15.67 billion of the $18 billion needed. Even if this amount is unprecedented, we must continue to mobilise [...]

Virtual study tour of Niger, Indonesia and Malawi

9 juin 2022|

Across the world, the Global Fund is working to accelerate the end of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, the world’s deadliest infectious diseases, by working with local communities and building more resilient health systems. The Global Fund invests [...]

April 25, 2022: World Malaria Day

21 avril 2022|

Twenty years ago, malaria looked unbeatable. But thanks to the Global Fund and its partnerships  with countries, NGOs, communities and the private sector,  this disease can be defeated, as well as AIDS and tuberculosis. Join Friends [...]