1 dicembre 2022: Giornata mondiale di lotta contro l’AIDS
1 dicembre 2022: Giornata mondiale di lotta contro l'AIDS In occasione della giornata mondiale di lotta contro l'AIDS, unisciti a Friends of the Global Fund Europe in un viaggio virtuale in Malawi, e vivi [...]
Begleiten Sie die Freunde des Globalen Fonds Europa auf einer virtuellen Reise
Begleiten Sie die Freunde des Globalen Fonds Europa auf einer virtuellen Reise Überall auf der Welt arbeitet der Global Fund daran, das Ende von AIDS, TB und Malaria zu beschleunigen, den tödlichsten Infektionskrankheiten der Welt, durch die [...]
Italy increases its contribution to the Global Fund by 15%
Italy increases its contribution to the Global Fund by 15% Friends of the Global Fund Europe welcomes the announcement, but stresses that resources are still insufficient to end AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria At [...]
Reconstitution du Fonds mondial de lutte contre le sida, la tuberculose et le paludisme
Reconstitution du Fonds mondial de lutte contre le sida, la tuberculose et le paludisme Déplacement du Député Hubert Julien Laferrière à New-York, septembre 2022 Le 21 septembre 2022 s’est tenue à New-York, en marge de [...]
Global Fund’s 7th Replenishment: Statement from Friends of the Global Fund Europe
Mixed results for the Global Fund’s 7th Replenishment Conference: Friends of the Global Fund Europe calls for continued mobilisation efforts The Global Fund held its replenishment conference last week in New York under the [...]
What kind of world do we want to leave to our children? The urgency of immediate, forceful and collective action
Statement from Friend of the Global Fund Europe 21 September, 2022 What kind of world do we want to leave to our children? The urgency of immediate, forceful and collective action The Covid-19 [...]