Italy – Transforming the Future: Successes and Challenges in Paediatric AIDS Care in Africa
ITALY - Transforming the Future: Successes and Challenges in Paediatric AIDS Care in Africa On 6 December 2023, Friends of the Global Fund Europe and the DREAM programme of Sant’Egidio Community organized the [...]
World Malaria Report: Decades of progress undone
World Malaria Report: Decades of progress undone On 30 November, the WHO published its annual report on the state of the global response to malaria. The report reveals unsettling figures that point to a deterioration [...]
Zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen warnen Bundeskanzler Scholz vor Kürzungen in der internationalen Klimafinanzierung und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Berlin, 4. Dezember 2023 - Mit einem dringenden Appell, sich gegen die von Finanzminister Lindner geforderten Kürzungen in der internationalen Klimafinanzierung und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit auszusprechen, wenden sich sechs Vertreter*innen zivilgesellschaftlicher Organisationen aus dem Bereich Entwicklungspolitik und [...]
« We, the People », the preparatory conference to the World Health Summit in Berlin
"We, the People", the preparatory conference to the World Health Summit in Berlin The “We, the People” WHS Preparatory Conference, orchestrated by Friends of the Global Fund Europe, served as a foundational event to precede [...]
Dumi Gatsha’s experience of the World Health Summit
"If the WHS is anything to go by, it is a testament to commited stakeholders who believe in a shared future anchored in solidarity and equity" by Dumi Gatsha The Global Fund has played a [...]
La santé peut-elle soigner le multilatéralisme ? Can health cure mutilateralism?
< INSCRIVEZ-VOUS A LA CONFERENCE EN LIGNE > < REGISTER TO THE DIGITAL CONFERENCE: CAN HEALTH CURE MULTILATERALISM > English below -- Le dernier rapport sur l’état d’avancement des Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD), publié [...]