« We, the People », the preparatory conference to the World Health Summit in Berlin
"We, the People", the preparatory conference to the World Health Summit in Berlin The “We, the People” WHS Preparatory Conference, orchestrated by Friends of the Global Fund Europe, served as a foundational event to precede [...]
Dumi Gatsha’s experience of the World Health Summit
"If the WHS is anything to go by, it is a testament to commited stakeholders who believe in a shared future anchored in solidarity and equity" by Dumi Gatsha The Global Fund has played a [...]
La santé peut-elle soigner le multilatéralisme ? Can health cure mutilateralism?
< INSCRIVEZ-VOUS A LA CONFERENCE EN LIGNE > < REGISTER TO THE DIGITAL CONFERENCE: CAN HEALTH CURE MULTILATERALISM > English below -- Le dernier rapport sur l’état d’avancement des Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD), publié [...]
We, The People : Global Health Challenges discussed at the World health Summit, Berlin
We, The People : Global Health Challenges discussed at the World health Summit, Berlin Saturday 14 October, 2023 REGISTER HERE The political and financial challenges arising from recent global events – from inflation, the COVID-19 [...]
5 e 6 novembre 2023: primo Vertice Italia-Africa
5 e 6 novembre 2023: primo Vertice Italia-Africa L'Italia sta attualmente preparando il primo Vertice Italia-Africa che riunirà i capi di Stato e di governo per ridefinire e rafforzare le relazioni tra l'Italia e il [...]
REGISTER HERE Friends of the Global Fund Europe, Friends of the Global Fund, Japan (FGFJ), Friends of the Global Fight (US) and Fund of the Global Fund are pleased to invite you to our joint event to be [...]