Giornata mondiale lotta contro l’Aids 2021
A causa della pandemia di Covid-19, la lotta contro l'HIV/AIDS si è arrestata per la prima volta in 20 anni. Nel 2022, il Global Fund terrà la Conferenza di Replenishment. Più che mai, l’Italia e [...]
World AIDS Day 2021
Because of the Covid-19 crisis, the fight against HIV/AIDS has stepped back for the first time in 20 years. In 2022, the Global Fund will hold its Replenishment Conference. More than ever, European leaders must [...]
Learning from the Past, Preparing for the Future – Celebration of the 15th anniversary of Friends of the Global Fund Europe
Over the past 20 years, the Global Fund has changed the global health landscape by successfully controlling HIV, TB and malaria, the most devastating epidemics of the developing world. Since 2020, the Covid-19 epidemic has [...]
Epidemie, pandemie e salute nel mondo: Il virus, l’economia e la politica
Il professor Stefano Vella, vice-presidente per l’Italia dei Friends of the Global Fund Europe, ha ideato, assieme a Sandra Zampa, Responsabile degli aspetti comunicativi relativi alle relazioni internazionali ed alle attività istituzionali nazionali del Ministero della [...]
Science Please 2, The Global Fund, twenty years later: a podcast by Stefano Vella
Stefano Vella, infectious diseases specialist, world-renowned global health expert and vice-president for Italy of the Friends of the Global Fund Europe, together with journalist Roberto Palladino tell us how and when the Global Fund was [...]