Combattiamo le disuguaglianze di genere con il Fondo Globale
Ogni settimana, 5.000 ragazze adolescenti e giovani donne contraggono l'HIV nell'Africa orientale e meridionale, due volte di più dei loro coetanei maschi. Più di 11 milioni di donne incinte sono state infettate dalla malaria nell'Africa [...]
International Women’s Rights Day
Every week, 5,000 adolescent girls and young women are infected with HIV in East and Southern Africa, twice as much as their male peers. Over 11 million pregnant women were infected with malaria in sub-Saharan [...]
The role of communities in health systems strenghtening
The role of communities in health systems strenghtening On January 24th (2022), Friends of the Global Fund Europe (hereafter Friends Europe) hosted a webinar to highlight the role of the communities in health systems. The [...]
Journée mondiale de lutte contre le sida 2021
En raison de la crise de Covid-19, la lutte contre le VIH/SIDA a reculé pour la première fois en 20 ans. En 2022, Le Fonds mondial tiendra sa conférence de reconstitution de ses ressources. Plus [...]
Dia mundial de lucha contra el SIDA 2021
Debido a la crisis de Covid-19, la lucha contra el VIH/SIDA ha dado un paso atrás por primera vez en 20 años. En 2022, el Fondo Mundial celebrará su Conferencia de Reposición de sus recursos. [...]
Welt-AIDS-Tag 2021
Wegen der Coronakrise hat der Kampf gegen HIV/AIDS zum ersten Mal in den letzten 20 Jahren Rückschläge erlitten. 2022 hält der Globale Fonds eine Wiederauffüllungskonferenz ab. Europäische Führungspersönlichkeiten müssen sich mehr denn je zum Globalen [...]