Posted on: 28 July 2014 | Voices
This week during the International AIDS Conference, civil society organizations, advocates, the scientific community, people living with the disease, external funder, technical partners, and a total of approximately 12,000 participants gathered in Melbourne to engage in discussions about HIV and AIDS.
In addition to all these stakeholders, private sector companies joined in. They are a key partner in the fight against disease, by bringing expertise, skills and advocacy. More and more private sector companies are realizing that the world’s biggest health challenges also have economic implications.
Today, companies recognize that their competitiveness and the health of communities in areas where they do business are mutually dependent. They see that interventions for health provide strong return on investments. Both public and private sectors need to work together in this fight.
With this in mind, Chevron, Oil Search and BHP Billiton Sustainable Communities have engaged with the Global Fund to raise awareness about the work that they are doing together.