hosted by Dr. Sascha Raabe, MP, SPD-Spokesperson for Economic Cooperation and Development,

and the Friends of the Global Fund Europe


Date: Wednesday, November 13th, 2013

Timeframe: 6.15-7.15 pm

Venue: Deutscher Bundestag, Paul-Löbe-Haus, Paul-Löbe Allee, 10557 Berlin


    • Welcome Remarks by Sascha Raabe, member of the German Bundestag, SPD Spokesperson at the Bundestag
    • Introduction by Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, Former Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Board Member of Friends of the Global Fund Europe 
    • Where do we stand with the Replenishment and with Germany’s commitment by Christoph Benn, Director of External Relations, The Global Fund
    •  The impact the Global Fund in the past years and its work forward by Bill Gates, Co-Chair and Trustee of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
    • Open debate with the audience, moderated by Dr. Christoph Benn
    • Closing remarks by Laurent Vigier, Chair of Friends of the Global Fund Europe (2 min)