We mobilise private and public initiatives in Europe in support of global health and the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. We work to publicise and encourage recognition of the objectives, actions and achievement of the Global Fund, while helping increase its resources.

Friends of the Global Fund Europe (hereafter Friends Europe) is an organisation working on political advocacy with the aim to promote the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in Europe, as well as the achievements of the Global Fund and global health issues.
Through its actions, Friends Europe mobilises political and institutional decision-makers, MPs, civil society organizations as well as the private sector and the media, to increase investments of the international community in global health and in the fight against the 3 diseases, notably through the Global Fund, with the objective to put an end to three of the most devastating pandemics affecting developing countries.
With its headquarters in Paris, Friends Europe operates throughout Europe, mainly in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Luxembourg, Belgium and with European institutions in Brussels and Strasbourg.
Friends Europe was created in April 2005, under the high patronage of the President of the French Republic.
Latest publications from Friends Europe and Partners
24 March: World Tuberculosis Day – A TB-free world needs more investments and stronger political commitment
24 March: World Tuberculosis Day A TB-free world needs more investments and stronger political commitment Michel Kazatchkine, Special Advisor to the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe), former Executive Director of the [...]
24. März: Welttuberkulosetag Eine Tuberkulose-freie Welt braucht mehr Investitionen und ein stärkeres politisches Engagement
24. März: Welttuberkulosetag Eine Tuberkulose-freie Welt braucht mehr Investitionen und ein stärkeres politisches Engagement Michel Kazatchkine, Sonderberater des Regionalbüros der Weltgesundheitsorganisation für Europa (WHO/Europa), ehemaliger Executive Director des Globalen Fonds und Vorstandsmitglied von Friends [...]
24 mars : Journée mondiale de lutte contre la tuberculose – Pour en finir avec la tuberculose, il faut davantage d’investissements politiques et financiers
24 mars : Journée mondiale de lutte contre la tuberculose Pour en finir avec la tuberculose, il faut davantage d’investissements politiques et financiers Michel Kazatchkine, Conseiller spécial du Bureau régional de l'Organisation mondiale de [...]