Statement – Ukraine: a dramatic public health crisis over Eastern Europe and beyond
Statement from Friends of the Global Fund Europe's Board members Wednesday, March 23, 2022 Ukraine: a dramatic public health crisis over Eastern Europe and beyond Prioritizing access to health services and protecting all populations [...]
Lutte contre les pandémies : les associations demandent à la France d’augmenter sa contribution au Fonds mondial
Action Santé Mondiale, Amis du Fonds Mondial Europe, Equipop, ONE, Sidaction, Solidarité Sida, Solthis Communiqué de presse 23 février 2022 Lutte contre les pandémies : les associations demandent à la France d’augmenter sa contribution au [...]
Pandemic preparedness, prevention and response: The time has come for a crucial debate leading to structural decisions for global health
Statement, Friends of the Global Fund Europe September 20, 2021 "We have to ensure that the way the world thinks about protecting people from infectious diseases threats is inclusive, does include most marginalized communities, and [...]
Sous les effets de la Covid-19, la lutte contre le sida, la tuberculose et le paludisme régresse pour la première fois depuis 2 décennies
Aujourd’hui mercredi 8 septembre 2021, le Fonds mondial de lutte contre le sida, la tuberculose et le paludisme a publié son rapport annuel sur les résultats des programmes de lutte contre les trois maladies. Le [...]
Under the effects of Covid-19, the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria steps back for the first time in 2 decades
Today, Wednesday 8 September 2021, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria released its annual results report of its programmes to fight the three diseases. The results for the year 2020 are catastrophic, [...]
Building on Global Fund’s assets to fight COVID-19
On February 27, the House of Representatives in the US passed a Covid-19 supplemental budget package including $3.5 billion for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Such a decision that awaits now [...]