Decades of Progress in Global Health at Stake: The EU’s Partnership with the Global Fund Is More Important Than Ever
Decades of Progress in Global Health at Stake: The EU’s Partnership with the Global Fund Is More Important Than Ever In 2002, as HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases wreaked havoc, world leaders—including the European Commission—united [...]
Lancement de l’argumentaire d’investissement du Fonds mondial
Lancement de l’argumentaire d’investissement du Fonds mondial Réactive interassociative Ce mardi 18 février a été lancé à Johannesburg, en Afrique du Sud, l’argumentaire d’investissement du Fonds mondial de lutte contre le VIH/sida, la tuberculose et [...]
Sustaining EU’s commitment to its partnership with the Global Fund
Sustaining EU’s commitment to its partnership with the Global Fund The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria was born out of the realization of the scale of destruction caused by HIV/AIDS and other [...]
2024 WHO global malaria report The need for a coordinated and equitable response to malaria Epidemiological context Today, Wednesday, December 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) published the latest results in the fight against malaria. [...]
Salute e sicurezza: l’impatto delle epidemie sulla sicurezza europea e globale
Salute e sicurezza: l’impatto delle epidemie sulla sicurezza europea e globale Documenti da scaricare: Nota di inquadramento (in inglese) di Friends of the Global Fund Europe dell’evento intitolata: « Are global health investments global security investments? » Documento [...]
Defining the First P in PPPR - Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Response Download the brief "Defining the first P in PPPR" As the global health community seeks to bolster its defenses against future pandemics, an [...]